Design Manager at Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

thesis blog

The Research Grind Continues

This week I spent the majority of my time reading the sources I linked last post. The sources have been incredibly promising, and a breadth of information across multiple academics fields, which is going to be great for giving credit to my experiments and design decisions. Never considered designing based on psychology research, but I suppose it isn't much different than the User Experience research that we do before designing a website or application interface.

Here is the timeline I posted before, but this time with a completion bar. After having an honest discussion with myself about how much I have accomplished, and how much is left to go, it has become quite apparent that I have a long way to go before presenting a competent and well research thesis. I am still on schedule to accomplish everything, but it will sure be a "burn the candle at both ends" timeline to achieve everything that is needed in half the time I would normally have.

Charles Smith2 Comments