Updated Gap Analysis
This week has been a trying time for my fiance and her family as there was a death in the family, so I have spent the majority of this week assisting her family in whatever way possible. That being said, I am behind on my work.
I do not believe I am far behind, and I have completed the framework for everything I should have accomplished this week, but it needs refinement and polish. I was given some great feedback about looking into architecture as a resource for interaction design on three dimensional objects. Found a great quote and resource in the American Institute of Architects. I do believe that this is a hurdle I can easily overcome, as I finish my last week of being a Teaching Aid in a couple days, and all of my focus will be redirected on to my thesis research, visual component, and 45 hour review presentation.
Here is an updated gap analysis of the entire process, and where I believe to be on a percent scale of completion for each section.